Are you planning a beach vacation over spring break?
Three things to consider:
Monitor your daily sunshine using an App! D-minder takes your clothing, skin color and location into account. It tells you how many hours of the day that Vitamin D is available, and how long you can safely stay out in the sunshine!
Bring along a bottle of Lavender essential oil to sooth burns. Use liberally. Buy lavender from a reputable vendor, as there is more lavender oil sold than produced every year…so some of it is fake.
Use the peptide Melanotan 1 once or twice a week over the spring and summer to avoid tan lines and burns! Melanotan 1 increases melanin and decreases your need for sunblock. It also helps with a whole body tan (even if some places never see sunshine!). One vial may last you most of a season. Use more if you want to prep your winter white skin for a warm escape.
VIGEO sees a lot of Oligoscan results with low Vitamin D. Most of us need more time in the sun, not less. Learn how to expose your skin safely and get Vitamin D naturally, rather than with supplements.