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Do you have Atypical Depression?

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. Do you crave sweets and other carbohydrates or tend to gain weight, especially around your abdomen?

  2. Are you tired for no obvious reason, or do your arms and legs feel heavy, as if made of lead?

  3. Do you tend to nod off easily or be excessively sleepy?

  4. Are your feelings easily hurt by rejection from others?

  5. Did your depression begin before age thirty?

  6. Is Chromium low on your Oligoscan test?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may have atypical depression.

Is your depression caused by insulin resistance?

If your atypical depression is caused in part by insulin resistance, it probably will respond to chromium picolinate.  To determine if you might have insulin resistance, please answer the following questions:  

  1. Do any of your blood relatives have diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, or stroke

  2. Do you tend to gain weight around your abdomen?

  3. Is your blood pressure high, more than 130 over 85?

  4. Is your trigylceride level high, over 150?

  5. Is your fasting blood sugar level high, over 100?

  6. Is your HDL cholesterol less than 35 (women) or 40 (men)?

  7. For women: Did you have diabetes during pregnancy?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, even if you don’t know the specific numbers for some of these blood tests, your depression may be caused in part by insulin resistance.  

Prevention is easier than treatment!  

Trying Chromium Piccolinate, by all accounts, is a no-brainer. If it is going to work for you, Chromium will give you results within just a few days. The dose is 4 mcg per pound of body weight. For a 200 pound person that is about 800 mcg. However, Chromium is safe at higher doses, and 500-1000 mcg a day seems to be a good place to start. (The lethal dose is about 50,000 capsules at once. Almost impossible, in other words!)

If you try Chromium and it isn’t working for you, then perhaps switch brands. Buy directly from the source. There are counterfeit items on Amazon and you may not be getting what you think. Don’t buy from XYZsups, or other random names, get things directly from an Amazon store or go to their actual website instead.

Want to learn more?  Dr. Malcom McCleod is a psychiatrist who talks through his process of finding help through Chromium for patients who didn’t respond to normal routes and drugs for depression.

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