Our Bodies Run on Electricity?
Our bodies run on electricity! Think of an electrocardiogram measuring heartbeats in an Emergency Room. When we lose our voltage, we die. Maintaining the correct voltage in our body circuits is the most important measure of health. This facet of health is better understood through physics than chemistry.
What is voltage, and how do we measure it? Voltage is stored electrical potential, measured between two points on a circuit.
One voltage measurement is called pH, which is the measurement of voltage in a liquid. pH stands for “Potential Hydrogen”. You can think of pH as the acid/base balance. pH is a logarithmic scale of voltage and can be directly converted to voltage.
The pH scale goes from 0 to 14.
0 to 6.9 is an electron stealer (+ voltage), also known as acidic.
7 to 14 is an electron donor (- voltage), also known as alkaline.
The normal pH of blood is 7.35 (-20 millivolts) to 7.45 (-25 millivolts). We want our body to run on -20 to -25 millivolts. A (-) voltage is the correct polarity for our body. If this number changes to a (+) polarity, we may experience chronic pain, cancer growth, a sense of heaviness or tiredness, or all of the above.
How Do We Correct Polarity and Raise Our Voltage?
The first step is to measure the polarity of our body circuits (meridians). We can do this using muscle testing. Every organ system and meridian circuit has a Scalar field that should be spinning clockwise. Certain locations on our midline are connected with each of those circuits. When we touch, point to, or think about these locations while holding a pendulum, the pendulum will spin to indicate the rotation of that circuit. This is the easiest way of measuring our polarity. You can learn to do it each morning to check in with your body and check your overall health.
A healthy circuit will have a (-) polarity and spin clockwise. If one or more meridians has a (+) polarity, we will look for the root cause of this imbalance and try to address it. We will also correct the polarity on the spot, and then charge up your body batteries. We do this using Dr. Jerry Tennant's BioModulator and BioTransducer technology.​​ Keep reading below for a more detailed explanation.
What is Polarity?
Polarity is the possession or manifestation of two opposing attributes, tendencies, or principles.
If you’ve ever used rechargeable batteries, you probably have experienced the batteries eventually not charging up anymore. Why does this happen? Well, if you were paying attention, it probably happened after you drained the batteries completely (leaving a flashlight on overnight, for example).
Each battery has a (+) and (-) pole. Draining the battery causes it to flip polarity. The (+) becomes a (-), and the (-) end becomes a (+). This means the battery can’t charge up anymore.
What are Meridians?
Our bodies are comprised of several circuits (meridians) which run on voltage (pH). If we drain our batteries far enough, some of our circuits may flip polarity, making it harder to charge our batteries back up.
Our muscles are stacks of batteries that act as power packs for our organs. Muscles and bones have piezoelectric properties causing the generation of electricity and voltage. The energy for organs is supplied by this electric current.
Acupuncture meridians are electric circuits in our body that run through different organs and muscles, known as fascial planes. The electrons in the current charge the cell membrane, which is the battery. The mitochondria in our cells produce ATP, which is part of the electron transport chain.
​The solid organs in our body act as capacitors, the hollow organs are coils. When these are connected to a muscle battery pack in a meridian circuit, together they form a tesla circuit. The front (hollow) organs have a digital root of 3, the posterior (solid) organs have a digital root of 6, making each circuit a Fibonacci sequence with scalar energy driving the voltage.
What is Scalar Energy?
Think of your favorite places and memories. Walking in nature, feeling sunshine on your skin, sitting in a cavernous cathedral, soaking your feet in a rushing stream, petting your dog, praying, holding your child, or standing out in a rainstorm. These are all sources of scalar energy.
Scalar energy is invisible and balanced in all directions. When two lightning bolts strike each other, they consume each other and form a shape called a cuboctahedron. A cuboctahedron is the only shape in the universe with balanced energy. Outer space is not a vacuum. Instead, it is filled with scalar energy in the form of cuboctahedrons. A longer explanation of this is possible, and involves Fibonacci sequences, Nicola Tesla, and singularities!
Think of the electromagnetic energy in your body's meridians like a checking account. A paycheck puts money in! Expenses take money out. The total amount of energy depends on whether you are making more deposits or more withdrawals.
Scalar energy is like your savings account. If we take care of ourselves and take time to enjoy a healthy balance of activities, our savings account will have money in it. If the polarities on our body circuits are reversed (we spend all our money), then we need more scalar energy to flip them back to normal polarity.
What Lowers our Body Voltage?
Cancer, parasites, viruses, and other sickness thrive in a body with low voltage. But what causes this? The main reasons for ill health into five categories:
Think of these like resistors in the flow of electrons. They lower the overall voltage of our body circuits. Let’s explore each reason in more depth.
Have you ever walked into a room and known right away that someone in there is angry? Emotions have an energy field, and negative emotions can be absorbed through our experiences and those around us.
We have emotions, and we have memories. Sensory input is sent to the Amygdala, which acts to decide where to store it. The difference between memories and stressful emotions is polarity. Memories have normal polarity and are stored in the Hippocampus region of our brain. Emotions have flipped polarity and act as a resistor in our circuits, which can interfere with our body voltage. Emotions are filtered and stored by the basal ganglia. Each part of the cerebral cortex is an acupuncture circuit with different emotions attached. Every circuit runs at a different frequency (like a radio station). Every emotion has its own frequency as well. These frequencies resonate with each other, determining emotional blocks in circuits.
It's been widely recognized that up to 90% of chronic pain is due to trapped emotions blocking our meridians. The good news? This is the least invasive way to get back to great health you've ever heard of! Dawn can teach you how to clear your own blocked emotions and demo the process for you. Who knows...your chronic pain might be gone soon!
Dental Infections
Each meridian of the body runs through specific teeth in the mouth. Both infections in the bone around a tooth, and emotions lodged in teeth can flip polarities of our circuits. Decay, cavities, cavitations, and root canals act as resistors in our body circuits. You can check for infections using muscle testing or a Cone Beam Scan of your whole jaw.
Dentists are the only doctors who leave dead tissue in the body rather than removing it. We call these root canals. One root canal can shut down 63% of your immune system. Over 90% of people with cancer or other malignancies have a root canal tooth or bone infection in the same acupuncture circuit as the tumor.
Here's a blog post on the subject https://www.vigeohealth.net/post/are-root-canals-doomed-to-fail
Wisdom tooth removal, if not done correctly, can cause cavitations and infections. These are connected with the Spleen/Stomach/Adrenal circuit.
Ozone gas, root canal removals, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can help heal bone and tooth infections. Find a dentist skilled in Holistic dentistry. We suggest Total Care Dental in American Fork if you are in Utah.
Scars and tattoos act like a frayed wire in an electrical circuit. If a scar or tattoo touches the fascia, it shorts out that wiring system, also known as an acupuncture meridian. Western medicine is particularly bad at ignoring fascial lines and making incisions across, rather than parallel to, the fascia. Examples of this are C-Sections, appendectomy scars, and breast augmentations.
Scars and tattoos can drain off enough voltage to shut down the pump in a tooth but not enough to make an organ malfunction.
Toxins like chemicals, pesticides, parasites, heavy metals, food additives, dyes, and electro-pollution can interfere with our voltage and circuits. Toxins can prevent us from digesting the minerals in our food, or interfere with our ability to use vitamins and minerals in our body.
We can measure heavy metals with an Oligoscan. Each element on the periodic table has a frequency associated with it, and spectrophotometry lets us measure our cellular levels.
There are several ways to detox from toxins. There are chelators, which bind to heavy metals and help them get excreted. Since they also have a unique vibration and frequency, it is possible to clear them with an opposing phase angle as well. Increasing levels of heavy metals in the same phase increases the destructive power. Changing the phase of the frequency can cause it to self-destruct. Dr. Tennant and Dr. Faldmo have designed homeopathic remedies to cause the frequencies of toxins in the system. They digitize the frequencies, reverse their polarity, and then shine scalar energy through the frequencies to cause destructive interference.
Lack of Micronutrients
Low thyroid function can impair our ability to control metabolism and have enough energy to crack on with our daily activities. The thyroid needs iodine, selenium, copper, and other cofactors to make enough hormones to run our body clock and rev up our metabolism to optimal. The Oligoscan can help measure these deficiencies.
How did we get to this Chronic State of Pain?
The body will shift all available resources to keep the brain and heart working and let everything else go. When we are stuck in “fight or flight” mode, which is the Sympathetic Nervous System, our body begins to shift voltages to the brain and heart from other circuits, often flipping their polarities. When we relax and recharge, we switch back to “rest and digest” mode, using our Parasympathetic Nervous System.
Boyd/Lemke – Sympathetic Twist – In “fight or flight” mode, we flex all our muscles in a defensive posture. This places the body in a twisted profile so our non-dominant side faces danger, our non-dominant hand protects our face, and our dominant hand is prepared to strike. Our legs are prepared to run, hips are flexed, and extension muscles are suppressed. This tilts the horizontal lines of our head, shoulders, chest, hips, knees and ankles.
This leads to imbalances in our body starting with our head. Our head and brain weigh as much as a bowling ball, and when this isn’t balanced over our spine, it leads to problems with TMJ, ear infections, shoulder and neck pain, visual acuity, sinus issues, snoring, headaches, and low back pain. In the body, tilted hips and shoulders lead to different leg and arm lengths, spine twisting and compression, joint issues, migraines, and decreased cerebrospinal fluid flow.