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Oligoscan - What is a Blockade?

Think of a blockade as a full gas tank in your vehicle. Yet the pipe to the engine is clogged. In a blockade, minerals get stuck in the peripheral tissues but actually need to be elsewhere to serve their purpose effectively.

The higher the toxic load, the greater possibility of nutrient blockade.

It is possible to see blockades of Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Selenium, Boron, Germanium, Lithium, and lodine. 

(Most Common) Zinc/Copper Blockade: A Zinc blockade looks like high excess Zinc (and Copper) on first inspection. However, the correct interpretation is that Copper is displacing Zinc out of the organ tissue into the peripheral tissues (hand). Zinc becomes concentrated in these peripheral tissues. This explains why Zinc appears excessively high. This phenomenon is worse than a Zinc Deficiency. Both Zinc and Copper should be supplemented even through both readings appear high.

Selenium Blockade. Patient not taking Selenium, nor is it high in diet. This can be found when toxic elements Cadmium and/or Mercury are high.

Boron Blockade: Patient is not supplementing Boron, yet shows readings of high normal. Magnesium and Vitamin D are usually low, and there could be signs of arthritis or joint pain.

How to Identify a Blockade?

Helpful questions in assessment:

1. Has the client been taking that mineral as a supplement for a long time? If not, a blockade is likely.

2. Does the patient have low Sulphur? A blockade is likely, since Sulphur is required for excretion pathways of toxic substances. Those toxic substances may be filling up the spaces normally taken by the nutritive elements. Sulphur, largely sourced from amino acids, helps the body to chelate toxins by binding those toxins to amino acid for excretion.

3.The patient is chronically unwell, yet all medical tests are within range. The causation is therefore well hidden.


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