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Yes we ALL have parasites inside us.  Some of them may be less beneficial than others.

Medical Disclaimer



There are a lot of ways to make Parasites unhappy.   This page will evolve as I find more informations to share!


Want help with Sugar Cravings? 


Sugar Cravings?  

What if you could just suddenly stop having cravings? This was Dawn’s experience after trying Pine Oil just once. All of a sudden, those gummy candies in the pantry stopped calling her name.  And they had been shouting her name, loudly, for 20 years.  


What causes our cravings? Is it possible that there is something outside of our control? Do you have candida? Autoimmune Issues? Have you ever wondered about parasites?  


Pine Oil is made from the resin of spruce trees. Pine Oil and sugar was a normal elixir used by slaves in the 1800s. It was listed as a cure for multiple issues in the Merck Manual of 1899. It is effective against bacteria, fungi, worms, parasites, and viruses. Yes we are talking about Turpen1ne, but in fear of censorship I don't even want to spell the word correctly.  


Steps to Success

  1. Purchase ONLY 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpent1ne!

  2. Move your bowels (several times a day is preferred). Don’t try this if you are constipated.

  3. Be well hydrated.

  4. Candida loves yeast, so limit consumption of bread, alcohol and other processed foods.

  5. Maximum dose is 1 teaspoon poured over 3 sugar cubes.

  6. The best timing is at least 2 hours before bed.

  7. Place in mouth and swallow with water, chew just enough to get it down quickly.

  8. Repeat up to 2x a week or as needed.


Dr. Jennifer Daniels was interviewed on Extreme Health Radio on 9 September 2023.


Join a Facebook group called Pine Oil - The Candida Cleaner. Read many Pine Oil success stories.


Read the full directions before trying this by downloading the ebook below!

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